Saturday, March 5, 2011

Egypt ex-interior minister faces criminal trial

Egypt's interior minister Habib al-Adly faced trial on Saturday for money-laundering, The first member of ousted president  Mohamed Mubarak's regime to be taken to court.

He was arrested last month as part of a sweeping corruption investigation by the new authorities,  with several former ministers and senior members of Mubarak's National Democratic Party.

Nationwide riots,  erupted on January 25 and led to Mubarak's ouster, saw bloody clashes between protesters and Adly's security forces.

The protests left at least 384 people dead and over 6,000 injured, while scores were detained.
A few days into the protests, police disappeared from the streets, sparking accusations that Adly had deliberately sought to sow disorder.

Adly is also being investigated for ordering the shooting of protesters and creating a security vacuum.

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